Party Committee of the Company Attending the Symposium of “Two New Organizations” in Pingshan District to Celebrate the 98th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China
On the morning of June 30, the symposium of the two new organizations in Pingshan District of Shenzhen to celebrate the 98th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China was solemnly held in the auditorium of the Party Committee Building in Pingshan District. At the symposium, a number of advanced collectives and outstanding individuals emerging from the Party building of the two new organizations in Pingshan District were commended. The Party Committee of Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics Co., Ltd. sent representatives to attend as invited by the symposium. Wang Dawei, secretary and of the Party Committee, and chairman of the company won the honorary title of "Entrepreneurs Supporting in Party Building"; the Party Committee of Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics Co., Ltd. won the honor of “Advanced Grass-roots Party Organization”; Wang Minggui, secretary of the first branch of the Party Committee of the company won the honor of "Excellent Secretary of Party Organization"; and Wen Haiyu, officer of the Party Committee of the company won the honor of “Excellent Officer in Party Affairs”.