Company comprehensively introduces ISO27001 Information Security Management System


In order to enhance the information security management level of the group, improve employees' information security awareness and enhance the ability of the organization to resist catastrophic events, the system management department organized to hold company ISO27001 information security management system project start conference in 3A meeting room of Shekou headquarters and decided to comprehensively introduce ISO27001:2013 information security management system since May. Chairman of the company Wang Dawei, Executive Vice President Hu Zumin, the company's information security management committee leaders, members and department heads attended the meeting.

At present, the company has only introduced part of the ISO27001 standard requirements, which can not meet the requirements of the second venture phase and cannot fully meet customers' requirements for product network security and information security. ISO27001 information security management system is imperative to introduce. At the meeting, the system certification director Li Zheyu introduced the status of the company's information security and the background of the project started, the executive vice president Hu Zumin made a company address, stressed the importance of information security and required all departments to attach great importance to and cooperate with the completion of introducing the company's ISO27001 information security management system. The consultants introduced the definition, implementation significance, standard framework and basic requirements and general rules of implementation of ISO27001 information security management system.

The company chairman Wang Dawei said in the final summary that: “we can't use the idea of popular literature or art to deal with highbrow, we need to be the highbrow.” He reminded that all employees of the company cannot be limited to the moment and old ideas, but to open up to look forward and far and comprehensively enhance themselves to equal the company’s various levels with the international advanced levels.

After the opening meeting, in order to let each department comprehensively learn ISO27001 information security management system and ensure the smooth development of ISO27001 project, the system management department will organize full level ISO27001 information security standard training and information security risk assessment training.

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