In the activity of deciding “2020-2021 TOP20 E-Learning Best Enterprise Practice Award” held by CEIBS Business Online in Beijing, the E-Learning project offered by Gongjin Electronics won “E-Learning Project Innovation Award” on Jun. 25th. It was a project based on the understanding and support of the enterprise strategy. The project achievements successfully promoted enterprise talent development, effectively spread company cultures, had outstanding performance in innovation and provided new thoughts for increasing talent competitiveness through digital technology.

Launched and sponsored by CEIBS Business Online, the activity of deciding “TOP20 CEIBS Business Online E-Learning Best Enterprise Practice Award” (TOP20 for short) aims at promoting the development of digital talents and competitiveness enhancement of enterprises through selecting benchmarking enterprises of learning and development and innovative practice. The award is devoted to seeking guiding practical cases about enterprise leaning and development, commend organization learning innovative practice in the background of digital age and exploring a future-oriented management talent development mode.