The Deputy Director of Standing Committee of Nanshan District People’s Congress Wang Shujia Visited Our Company for Survey


The deputy director of Standing Committee of Nanshan District People’s Congress Wang Shujia developed survey work in our company with a team including the director of District Human Resources Bureau Huang Hongxin, Legal Affairs and Public Relations Department organized to receive them, and the company leaders including Wang Zhibo, Long Xiaojing and He Yimeng accompanied them in symposium on the afternoon of September 5.

It’s reported that this survey was the activity of “1+1+N” of District Leaders Serving Enterprises developed by Nanshan District Government, i.e. “one district leader leading a work team to service N units (One Hundred Top Companies in the Industry, One Hundred Top Enterprises Paying Taxes and Key Projects etc.), and it aimed at coordinating and solving problems reflected by enterprises in time and proving excellent services for them. Director Wang Shujia issued the certificate of “One Hundred Top Enterprises Paying Taxes in 2012” to our company on the behalf of Nanshan District Government in the symposium.

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