Shenzhen T&W, Shanghai T&W and Taicang T&W Successfully Passed ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 Certifications


In April 2012, Shenzhen T &W, Shanghai T&W and Taicang T&W received the external audit on ISO14001:2004 Environmental Management System and OHSAS18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System.

Due to the need of public listing and business expansion, this external audit increased the number of auditors and auditing time compared with previous years. Auditors from TUV Rheinland conducted a comprehensive and in-depth audit on the implementation of ISO14001: 2004 Environment Management System and OHSAS18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System in these three companies within two weeks (Shanghai: April 16-17; Taicang: April 18-20, 2011; Shenzhen: April 23-27, 2011). During the audit, the external auditors confirmed the implementation of every department by means of file review, interview and field investigation. In addition, they communicated and discussed with the relevant personnel from the system administration department on the advanced EOHS management and control methods and concepts on the site, pointing out the direction for system upgrading and improvement.

At the last session of the external audit, the auditors spoke highly of our efforts in setting up smoking areas, regularly organizing fire drills and chemical management, configuring sound fire fighting system and facilities, popularizing the use of clean energy such as solar and gas and focusing on energy efficiency and environmental protection, and finally verified that ISO14001: 2004 Environment Management System and OHSAS18001: 2007 Occupational Health and Safety Management System were implemented appropriately, effectively and sufficiently, thus all the three T&W companies passed the external audit.

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