The opening ceremony of 2014 China Intelligent Hardware Developer Conference was held in Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition, Internet companies and intelligent hardware entrepreneurs got together here on May 23. As the inlet for family to access the Internet and the core of intelligent family, intelligent router attracted the attention of Internet companies since 2013 successively. Router has developed from nothing to something interesting and become the focus of people within a year. In order to make massive enterprises and entrepreneurs in the field of intelligent router field know design of this product and industrial chain more clearly, General Manager Zhu Yuhao of Wireless Application Business Department made a speech on Factors of Intelligent Router Product Design at the intelligent router application and technology forum of the conference.

Mr. Zhu pointed out in his speech that intelligent router needs more efforts and creativity for intelligent software and application innovations, and its software and hardware robustness, openness and application scalability, industrial design and supply chain production delivery capability etc. are necessary factors of product. Meanwhile, he introduced commercial open wireless router softer platform used widely, hardware platform with rich hard interface and application scalability capability, leading wireless design and performance verification laboratory in the industry as well as integration capability of ID creativity and industrial design to peers in the industry. Finally, Mr. Zhu shared importance of supply chain cost, elasticity and throughput on intelligent hardware. His attitude and product-oriented speech were highly appreciated by participants. Some participants expressed that they can see prospects of this field from Internet companies, but Mr. Zhu’s speech solved their worries about implementation from idea to product.
Gongjin Electronics wanted to construct innovative, stable and multi-winning intelligent router industrial chain with Internet companies, intelligent hardware companies and traditional electrical appliance companies with an open posture. We believe that router will develop from nothing to something under the common promotion of peers in the industry.