Our Company Was Titled as “Enterprise Following Contract and Observing Credit” Firstly


In order to further motivate deep development of the notification activity of “Enterprises Following Contract and Observing Credit”, encourage enterprises to strengthen contract and credit management, propel the construction of Guangdong Province Credit System, Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce developed 2013 Guangdong Province Notification Activity of “Enterprises Following Contract and Observing Credit” according to the stipulation of Rules for Guangdong Province Notification Activity of Enterprises Following Contract and Observing Credit. 

Our company participated in the activity and submitted relevant information actively, and was notified on Guangdong Province Notification System of Enterprises Following Contract and Observing Credit on June 1, 2014 after the verification and recommendation of Promotion Association for City of Quality and the review of Guangdong Province Administration for Industry and Commerce. 

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