Gongjin Electronics Holds the 2023 Employee Commendation and Love Together with Weiren Cultural Performance


On May 25th and 28th, Gongjin Electronics South China and East China held the 2023 Employee Commendation and Mutual Love Tongwei Cultural and Artistic Performance in Pingshan and Taicang Industrial Parks. Cadres and employee representatives from all over the country gathered together to participate in the grand event. The conference recognizes outstanding individuals and teams for the year 2023, and outstanding employees contribute the program "Long March Songs", singing about the Long March, learning from the Long March, and taking steps towards a new Long March. Employees from Nanshan and Haining attended online.
Domestic factory director He Liang summarized the results of the two factories in 2023 and reported on the development plan for 2024. The live broadcast of the commendation video showcased the demeanor of outstanding individuals and teams. The company leaders presented awards to 103 outstanding employees, 15 craftsmen, 9 moving colleagues, and 14 advanced teams.
General Manager Wei Honghai delivered a speech expressing sincere gratitude to outstanding individuals and teams for their contributions to the company. Wei Honghai pointed out that the cold winter has arrived, and 2024 is a crucial year for entering strategic transformation. Gongjin has entered a new Long March. All staff should have the courage to dream, take responsibility, and persist; be diligent in learning, practice, and standards; be willing to strive, innovate, and advance, facing difficulties with the spirit of the Long March and seeking breakthroughs.
Founder Wang Dawei's concluding speech. He pointed out that looking back at the Long March Road and facing the new era, the "Long March Songs" in the cultural performance aims to convey the spirit of the Long March to every employee. The Long March of the Red Army has three characteristics: facing the crucial issue of life and death; Not afraid of sacrifice; Persist until the end. The company is also in such a critical situation. To overcome difficulties, companies need to achieve three things: first, upgrading and transforming, seeking high-tech innovation; 2、 Continuously carry out cost reduction and efficiency improvement; 3、 We must strive to be excellent and return to the leading position by 2030. Wang Dawei called on all staff to take the great spirit of the Long March as a guide and fearlessly move towards the new Long March of mutual progress. He believed that everyone would also be able to withstand the test like the brave and fearless Red Army, and together with the Communist Party, welcome the victory of the New Long March.
The spirit of the Long March will always shine, and outstanding employees will compose a brilliant chapter together. This year's cultural and artistic performance, a choir formed by outstanding employees dedicated themselves to singing the "Long March Songs". The group songs include "Breaking through the Blockade", "Zunyi Meeting Shines with Glory", "Four Crossings of the Chishui River," Flying Over the Dadu River, "" Crossing the Snowy Mountains and Grasslands, "" Zhu Jie, "and" Great Teacher. "
Take a new Long March and set sail with Tongwei Dream. 2024 is a crucial year for the company's development and entry into strategic transformation. Under heavy pressure and a test of life and death, we regard this year as the starting point of a new Long March, setting ambitious goals, fighting against dangerous obstacles, and embarking on new paths.

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