Stars lit the city full of love and T&W public welfare ushers in a new development


The stage stars twinkle and it is full of music, a pair of smooth and quickly hands move between the white keys and the black keys of the piano and a big boy in the center of the stage is absorbed in playing the electronic organ. This boy is Beibei of Aite orchestra. At 8:00 pm on May 15, all seats of Shenzhen Theater concert hall were occupied because the third star concert held by Aite orchestra was put on the stage. T&W Charity Foundation dispatched 18 volunteers to serve the people to be responsible for logistic support. The foundation leaders Long Xiaojing and Qi Jianzhong were invited to watch the show.

The Aite orchestra is an orchestra that is made up of a group of Shenzhen autistic children. T&W Charity Foundation has been closely connected with Aite orchestra. Since they got acquainted with each other in a public welfare activity organized by the city association for the handicapped in 2014, T&W Charity Foundation has been enthusiastically supporting this group of autistic children to chase dreams in music. That year when T&W Charity held the tenth anniversary concert, Aite orchestra was specially invited. On April 24, they took part in the Fifth “Run for Love” Public Welfare Race caring for the autism and the foundation sent T&W volunteers for enthusiastic service, moving the pianos for them and providing them with food and drink. 

At the star concert each year, many T&W volunteers in red vests appear on the site. May 15 is the national disabled day. At that night, 18 T&W volunteers participated in the backstage work of the concert and they cheered the “stars” on silently. Aite orchestra brought “Seven swordsmen of the wilderness” and “Performing Artistes” and other songs. The concert was hosted by the Shenzhen 102 radio, and received enthusiastic support from local singers, bands and foreign music professionals in Shenzhen and they performed “The Yellow River” and “Frozen” with the “stars”. “Chopin March”, “The moon represents my heart” and “Wild Child” also won applause.

Supporting Aite orchestra to hold the star concert was one of the latest charitable activities of the foundation. At present, young people from two factories actively donate blood, and the blood volume was outstanding, which moved us as well. On May 4, Xinqiao Production Plant and Shenzhen Bao’an District Blood Management Center held a "blood donation lit youth" theme, 87 employees of Xinqiao Plant successfully participated in the blood donation and the blood volume was up to 31400ml. This year is the fourth year when Xinqiao T&W organize blood donation on Youth Day, and it was rated as "Advanced group for blood donation" by blood management center in Shenzhen city. Taicang T&W colleagues also paid tribute to the "May 4" youth day by way of blood donation. On May 4, Taicang T&W and Taicang Blood Center organized the employees to participate in voluntary blood donation. 78 employees donated 20,900ml blood in total. The company's blood donation in the amount of blood broke again on the basis of that of the two factories and the current total amount of blood reached 245,500ml.

Since May, T&W Charity Foundation’s donations, continuous care on Children’s Day, “Let Hope Fly” summer camp, “Be a Teacher” training class and other various kind of busy activities followed. As the company entered “second venture” phase, the management and development of the company also stepped on and the work of T&W Charity Foundation would develop with them. Manager Wang once said on the Jiang yaw T&W hope primary school completion ceremony on June 1, 2015 that T&W hope primary school should develop together with the company. The company was developing, and the school also needed to be with development and progress. Recently, Manager Wang has instructed the foundation staff that the work of the foundation this year should focus on the development.

In 2015, the company had the best operating results and the foundation also made two new highlights at the same time. The first is that in the continuous care on Children's Day, external related personnel were chosen to aid education so as to allow more force in the community to participate in the education aid of the west. The second is that holding the first “be the teacher” training class that 32 teachers have been chosen from 8 T&W hope primary schools to take part in the training for 5 days. The seminar invited the education experts and outstanding teacher representatives and teachers benefited a lot from concentrated training, practice, communication and observation. Various principals and several teachers reflected that the training effect was quite prominent, which greatly helped the teachers. This showed that the foundation was also not far behind the company's development situation and made efforts to innovate.

The blood donation and helping autistic children of Aite orchestra in May opened a good start for the foundation’s coming donations, continuous care on Children's Day, “Let Hope Fly” summer camp, “be a teacher” training class four major activities. In the “second venture” phase, we hope that the foundation can start a new love journey and the love career and the company development can step on together.

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