Sending Warmth and Hope: T&W Charity Foundation Came to Ya’an to Donate Relief and Winter Materials


Chairman Wang Dawei, Director Long Xiaojing of T&W Charity Foundation and personnel representatives of the subsidiaries of the company came to Lingguan Disaster Zone suffering from Sichuan Ya’an Earthquake to donate relief and winter materials on October 31. 

The ceremony of “Sending Warmth and Hope: Winter Material Donation of Shenzhen T&W Charity Foundation for Students in Ya’an Earthquake Zone” was held in Zhongba Central School of Lingguan Town, Baoxing County, Ya’an City at 10:30 a.m. on November 1, the deputy county chief, the director of Education Bureau, the deputy chief of Lingguan Town of Boaxing County and the principals of the schools receiving donations presented the donation ceremony. Chairman Wang sent the donation plate with the value of 680,000 dollars of materials (blankets, down coats and books) to the principal representative on the behalf of the company and the foundation. The director of Education Bureau of Baoxing County issued acknowledge silk banner to Director Long of T&W Charity Foundation to show gratitude. 

The foundation donated over 2,700 cotton coats, 2,500 blankets and 2,700 books to ten schools in Lingguan Town, Baoxing County, Ya’an City (including village primary schools under Central School), and showed the deepest sympathy to the schools suffering from the earthquake. 680,000 yuan of charity funds of the staff of the company for Ya’an disaster zone had been implemented till then. 


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