Taicang T&W Electronics Co., Ltd. Became a Member of Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association


In order to obtain more resources and preference policies from Taicang Municipal Government, Taicang T&W Electronics Co., Ltd. had applied for membership of Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association formally through great efforts of Taicang T&W Customs Affairs Department. Zhou Wanzhi participated in Taicang Membership Symposium of Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association which was jointly held by Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association and Taicang Customs on the behalf of Customs Affairs Department of the company on November 12.

Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association issued plates to several members verified by Standing Council, and declared articles and systems of the association in the symposium, so that members can realize their obligations and rights more clearly. After Taicang T&W becomes a member of Jiangsu Customs Brokers Association, the local government and relevant units will serve our company in a better way, and we can obtain more convenience.

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