Donating Blood to Save People and Love in Shenzhen: T&W Charity Foundation Organized Personnel to Donate Blood


T&W Charity Foundation organized personnel of Shekou Company to promote the spirit of Leifeng and participate in blood donation without repayment on March 21. Forty five personnel registered in this activity totally, and some unregistered personnel joined in the rank of blood donation without repayment temporarily. Finally, forty eight qualified personnel participated in blood donation and donated blood total reached 17,700ml. Site workers said that many personnel cannot donate blood because of nonconforming parameters in the morning, and they came back to the site and took blood for inspection again in the afternoon, which promoted the spirit of taking pleasure in helping others. 

It’s reported that personnel participating in blood donation included logistics personnel, and party members of the company played a role of pioneers and participated in it actively, which showed that our company’s mission of repaying the society was recognized by personnel highly. 


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